Membina Ayat Majmuk Keterangan

Peningkatan Kemahiran Membina Ayat Majmuk Keterangan Berdasarkan Gambar Melalui Penggunaan Jadual Salak

Siti Nasuha Binti Che Shukor

Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Bahasa Melayu


Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat masalah yang dihadapi oleh murid Tahun 5 Hibiscus semasa membina ayat berdasarkan gambar (karangan Bahasa Melayu Bahagian A). Seramai 34 orang murid terlibat dalam kajian ini. Kajian tindakan ini berteraskan kepada Model Penyelidikan Tindakan Lewin (1946) dan Laidlaw (1992). Perancangan tindakan difokuskan kepada penguasaan kemahiran menulis ayat majmuk keterangan. Tinjauan awal telah dilaksanakan melalui semakan ujian bulanan, ujian awal, dan soal selidik terhadap murid. Hasil tinjauan menunjukkan murid tidak mahir dalam pembinaan ayat majmuk keterangan yang gramatis. Tiga sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (60 minit setiap sesi) telah dijalankan dalam tempoh empat minggu, iaitu murid belajar kemahiran yang tersebut di atas melalui teknik jadual SALAK. Keputusan ujian akhir telah menunjukkan peningkatan prestasi murid yang memperoleh skor cemerlang sebanyak 56% berbanding ujian awal sebelum tindakan dijalankan, iaitu 3%. Dapatan analisis dokumen turut menunjukkan peningkatan pencapaian murid melalui Ujian Bahasa Melayu Fasa 2, iaitu 12% murid memperoleh skor cemerlang berbanding Ujian Bahasa Melayu Fasa 1 yang hanya mencatatkan 3% murid sahaja. Murid lebih mudah membina ayat majmuk keterangan dengan menggunakan jadual SALAK. Pengajaran dan pembelajaran kemahiran menulis ayat majmuk perlu diperkukuh pada peringkat awal, iaitu bermula pada Tahun 4. Hasil pelaksanaan kajian ini menunjukkan penggunaan jadual SALAK boleh membantu murid menguasai kemahiran membina ayat majmuk keterangan secara teratur dan gramtis.


This study was conducted to see the problems faced by students in 5 Hibiscus when building sentences based on the picture (Malay Language Essay in Section A). A total of 34 students involved in this study. This action research is base on Lewin’s (1946) and Laidlaw’s (1992) Action Research Models. Action plan is focus on the skills of writing elaborative compound sentences. Initial survey was carried out through the review of monthly tests, formative tests and questionnaires to students. The survey result indicated students were not proficient in the construction of grammatically correct elaborative compound sentences. Three sessions of Teaching and Learning (60 minutes per session) were carried out in four weeks, the students learnt the skills of the bow-table techniques. The final test results have shown improved performance of students who earn excellent scores of 56% compared to the initial test before the action is carry out, which is 3%. The findings of the analysed document also showed an increase student’s achievement through the Malay Language Phase 2 Test, which is 12% of students obtaining excellent scored against the Malay Language Phase 1 testing of only 3% of pupils registered. Students could much easily build elaborative compound sentences using SALAK’s table. The Teaching and Learning of writing compound sentence skills need to be strengthened in the earlier stages, starting in Year Four. The results of this study demonstrate the use of SALAK’s table can help students to master the skills to build grammatically correct elaborative compound sentences.


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