Kemahiran Menulis Karangan Jenis Cerita

Peningkatan Kemahiran Menulis Karangan Jenis Cerita Melalui Kaedah Pembelajaran Koperatif

Aimi Hazwani Abdul Halim


Penyelidikan Tindakan ini dijalankan untuk meningkatkan kemahiran menulis karangan jenis cerita. Model Penyelidikan Tindakan Kurt Lewin (1946) dan Lailaw (1992) digunakan sebagai asas kajian. Responden terdiri daripada 40 orang murid dalam kalangan tahun 4 di sebuah sekolah di Bangi. Hasil tinjauan awal didapati murid tidak dapat membuat karangan jenis cerita. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah analisis dokumen, ujian awal, temu bual berstruktur, soal selidik dan ujian akhir yang dianalisis secara kekerapan, peratusan, deskriptif, dan transkripsi temu bual. Kaedah Pembelajaran Koperatif (KPK) menggunakan teknik Round Robin dan Round Table telah dilaksanakan. KPK merupakan pembelajaran berkumpulan. Round Robin merupakan maklumat yang diberikan secara lisan, manakala Round Table adalah maklumat yang diberikan secara bertulis. Kedua-dua teknik ini memerlukan murid bergilir-gilir memberikan sumbangan maklumat dalam kumpulan heterogen. Dapatan analisis Ujian Awal Penulisan Karangan Jenis Cerita mendapati hanya 2 orang murid (5%) yang mendapat skor markah cemerlang. Namun, setelah intervensi KPK menggunakan teknik Round Robin dan Round Table dijalankan selama 2 minggu, 12 orang murid (30%) telah berjaya mendapat skor markah cemerlang dalam Ujian Akhir Penulisan Karangan Jenis Cerita. Justeru, KPK menggunakan teknik Round Robin dan Round Table dapat membantu murid dalam menguasai kemahiran menulis karangan jenis cerita. Implikasi daripada kajian ini, guru dapat meningkatkan pencapaian murid dalam penulisan Bahasa Melayu, disamping dapat menjanakan kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis. Cadangan kajian lanjut diperlukan dengan memberi penekanan terhadap aspek bahasa yang digunakan oleh murid, baik bahasa lisan mahupun bahasa yang digunakan dalam penulisan semasa melaksanakan KPK.


This Action Research is for the purpose to enhance story type essay writing skills. Action Research models of Kurt Lewin (1946) and Lailaw (1992) were used as the base of research. The respondents were randomly selected from 40 pupils of Year 4 in one of the primary school in Bangi. The initial results were found that most of the pupils were weak in composing story type essays and lack of ideas in finding the point of the essays. The research instruments that were being used are document analysis, structured interview, investigation and final examinations that were analyzed by frequency, percentage, descriptive and transcriptional interview. Co-Operative Learning Method (KPK) uses Round Robin and Round Table techniques. KPK is a group study. Round Robin is orally given information, while Round Table is written information. Both techniques need the pupils to take turn in contributing information in a heterogenic group. The result of the early test analysis of writing story type essay was only 2 pupils (5%) managed to score with good grades. But after the intervention of KPK that used Round Robin and Round Table techniques was introduced to the pupils for 2 weeks, 12 pupils (30%) of the pupils succeed to get excellent grades in their final test of story type essay writing. The pupils were also capable to generate ideas and exploiting information in finding the essay points creatively. Hence, this KPK, using Round Robin and Round Table techniques could help the pupils in improving their skills in writing story type essays. In implementing this technique, the usage of language must also be put in consideration. The research implication is that teachers could increase the pupils’ achievement in writing in Bahasa Melayu, besides creating critical thinking skills. As for the conclusion, KPK that uses Round Robin and Round Table techniques can help the pupils master the skills of writing story type essays. More research proposals are needed, putting attention to the language aspect that is being used by the pupils, either orally or in written while applying the KPK.


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